NewSeptic offers a number of unique services all under one platform, as a pay per property model.
We are offering our services at a low rate of $99/month. The least expensive design plans cost $800 and the most expensive we have seen up to $2,000. Why wait for a designer, when you can take charge of your project with our tools. For our price, we guarantee a design plan! has broken down a complex soil report into 3 steps. We acknowledge that entering this report can be a tedious thing. We have attempted to make this process as easy as possible. If you are at anytime having problems
entering the form details, we can enter them for you.
Just send us the report via email at
New projects can be started a couple different ways with NewSeptic. You can use the Quick Start Form to type in full addressses or use the Property Form, both methods will get your project
details stored and allow you to view your project in the Your Projects section.
All septic planning can be broken down into PROPERTY, SOIL, and DESIGN and can be navigated through NewSeptic from Your Projects Page, the home page, click the NewSeptic Logo in the
top left corner of the site to get back to Your Projects page.
If NewSeptic doesn't have in the database, you can always search a surrounding address in the Quick Start Form. NewSeptic should always be able to get the latitude and longitude and you should
therefore be able to go to the map and search for your parcel manually or draw your parcel from known dimensions. Check it out in the video below:
NewSeptic has the goal to work in every area in the USA and Canada. Currently, NewSeptic is designing systems in the following US States: